Just Now: Heat superstar gave three reason why Damian Lillard rejects heat offer to Bucks trade…..

Damian Lillard was not acquired by the Miami Heat this offseason despite the Heat’s best efforts; instead, he was traded to one of the Heat’s fiercest competitors, the Milwaukee Bucks. Jimmy Butler agrees with the dissatisfaction of Miami fans on the deal. Butler appears to dislike the bargain, but his motivations likely differ greatly from those of everyone else.Damian Lillard was not acquired by the Miami Heat this offseason despite the Heat’s best efforts; instead, he was traded to one of the Heat’s fiercest competitors, the Milwaukee Bucks. Jimmy Butler agrees with the dissatisfaction of Miami fans on the deal. Butler, it seems, doesn’t like the deal, but the real reason is undoubtedly

Lillard will now play for Adrian Griffin, the Bucks’ new head coach, thanks to the deal. Griffin has had successful assistant coaching stints with a number of organizations, including the Chicago Bulls, who at the time also included an emerging Butler on their roster. In light of this, Butler disclosed that the only reason he is disappointed that Lillard joined the Bucks is because he dislikes their head coach, Blake Griffin.

This is a pretty confusing revelation from Butler, because when he’s discussed Griffin previously, he’s spoken glowingly of his former coach. Butler has also been joking around quite a bit during the early stages of training camp, so this certainly wouldn’t be an out-of-character move for him. But Butler doesn’t seem like he’s joking when he says it, so who knows what’s really up here.

Maybe there’s some beef simmering between these two that we don’t know about, but there’s a decent chance that Butler is simply joking here. Either way, the Heat and Bucks first matchup this upcoming season is going to be extremely entertaining, and maybe Jimmy Butler just added a bit more intrigue to the matchup with these comments

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