Sad News:Miami Heat fans at the forefront of a brutal P.R.war…..

A recent survey has the Miami Heat fans grouped with the Los Angeles Lakers, New York Knicks and the Golden State Warriors for the most annoying fans in the NBA

It seems like the Miami Heat fans are at the forefront of a brutal P.R. war against all other fans, after being voted 4th overall “most annoying” fan bases in the entire NBA.

A recent survey by, aimed, literally, at finding the worst fanbase in the NBA, ranked the Miami Heat fans as the 4th most annoying, behind the Los Angeles Lakers with “he-who-shall-not-be-named”, the New York Knicks, and the Golden State Warriors.

Now, if you’re wondering “how did they manage to rank our “annoyingness, bro?” Well, they analyzed thousands of posts on all social media platforms with the word annoying and a given team name in the same message

Guess those late minute wins, those scrappy play-off victories and the free-agent-attraction has made a lot of people unhappy — ay, pobrecitos.

Miami fans should be proud, because, after all, “they hate us ‘cause they ain’t us.


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